Liver Flushing?

Liver Cleansing Program by Professionals
Alternative & Integrated Medicine Clinic 

What is the liver
The liver is the large organ in the human body. It is vital to many body functions, the liver is the main bile accumulated glycogen synthesis inhibitors. But most importantly, eliminate toxins, where the source of the toxin from:
  • body (Internal Toxin) is a waste of metabolic processes in the body. A condition in which the imbalance of bacteria in the intestine. The healthy bacteria that may be damaged by certain drugs such as antibiotics.
  • external (Toxin), including drug addiction and alcohol, smoking, alcohol, beer, pesticides, food additives, food preservatives and other chemicals.

    Our modern lifestyle has contributed to a weakened immune system. That is caused by food, smoking, drinking alcohol for air pollution and stress. Toxic residues remain the tissues and organs. These toxins cause chemical changes and various disorders. Mechanisms of liver to eliminate toxins from the body can be divided into two steps.
    • Step 1 is used to destroy toxic enzymes. By the toxins are soluble in water.
    • Step 2 encapsulated toxic (reduced toxicity).
    To live longer should make the liver to function effectively. By flushing the liver, the stone in the liver and gallbladder will come out.  “Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse”  Andrea Moritz, a German specialist in cleaning the liver. Written in the book.  that is toxic to the liver and the life is back and become young again.